Grantee Feedback: Collecting, Evaluating, and Learning from What Our Partners Think About Us
In this learning lab, we'll discuss many aspects of collecting and learning from our grantees’ feedback regarding their experiences in partnering with us.
For the first part of the call we'll be joined by Grace Nicolette (Vice President, Programming and External Relations) and Joseph Lee (Senior Manager, Assessment and Advisory Services) from the Center for Effective Philanthropy. They'll share the tool that CEP developed for collecting grantee feedback, called the Grantee Perception Report (GPR), then several PCP foundations that have used the GPR will share their experiences with this tool, both good and bad. Foundations we'll hear from are: Dovetail Impact Foundation (Anna Koons), Imago Dei Fund (Jen Oakley), MJ Murdock Foundation (Pauline Fong), and Stewardship Foundation (Jon Beighle).
Finally, we'll use the example of the GPR as a jumping off point, concluding our time with a funders-only discussion (after our guests from CEP depart) to delve more deeply into the opportunities, challenges, and complexities of collecting and responding to grantee feedback.
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